Magneto 2 system configurations overview

Often Magento developers need to add setting of their Theme or Module. Let me show you quick overview of  types of fields developers have on disposal in Magento 2. I would recommend to place everything about Magneto 2 system config in to system.xml file.

Let me show you how to build custom Magento 2 system config.

You need to create system.xml file in your module and add your structure in to the file.


Magento 2 has the similar structure of elements as Magento 1.x:  tabs, sections, groups and fields.

This code snippet shows an example of custom configuration settings.

Here is an image of Magento 2 admin.


Following images show details: fields by field type.

Text field

Text field

Textarea field

Text area field

Yes/No dropdown field

Yes/No field

Enable/Disable dropdown field

Enable/Disable field

Depend field – you can add ‘depends’ tag on numerous individual fields that need to depend on other fields.

Depends fieldBy choosing yes you get:


Multi-select field

Multi select field

Select field

Select field

Upload image field

Image Upload field

Time field

Time field

Group area within group area

Group within group


More or less, those are most common fields we use in our modules or theme setting. Hope this helps. Looking forward to any feedback you might have. Enjoy!

5 thoughts on “Magneto 2 system configurations overview”

  1. What about appending to an already exisiting tab/section/group? It use to be that I would add field to the general tab, under the general section in the store_information group. I can’t seem to get that to work now in Magento 2. Know who to handle appends as you could in Magento 1.x.x?

    1. n/m there.. turns out the only reason the append was failing had to do something with s and them freaking out. I can’t get any of them to show so something else was the issue, but it’s sort out on the appending part. Appending is just as it was, call the area and defined the override as before

      1. Hi Jeremy,

        Sorry for late answer. Here is example how you can show add your configuration within existing tabs of store configuration.
        Try to use following code.

        I’ve added group within General -> General -> Cookiecode Test
        See image how it looks:

        Hope it helps.

  2. Thanks for such a great tutorial.
    Very helpful.

    I have a query, I want to list out all email template in dropdown, please, may admin reply me source model for that ??

    I am in hurry please reply little bit fast.

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